in QIQOchat Gardens
We will be using an easy access online platform called QIQOchat to host the Garden Walks... QiqoChat allows you to use ZOOM to move between ZOOM meetings.
The link for the Garden Walks is:
The Virtual Open Space experience is a 2-hour online Garden Walk for hosting intimate online conversations with more than 30 people about issues that matter to them. We convene a Garden Walk to discuss topics around a session theme.
We log in to an instant online environment powered by ZOOM where you can move freely between different ZOOM meetings. The topics of the different ZOOM meetings come from all the people willing to host them. People are free to hop around meetings, host them, or participate as they wish. There is no soapbox in the individual meetings and no preaching as "the law of the two clicks" gives everyone permission to leave a session when they are not interested in it anymore if they so decide. With the minutes of each ZOOOM meeting conversation recorded in a shared google doc, each group is free to choose their next steps, action items, or what is next for them.
Without the complex logistics of a comparable face-to-face event, the Garden Walks is facilitated by our team with minimal planning and no need for technical training.
Register for Garden Walk #1 by clicking the button here below
The Virtual Open Space experience is a 2-hour online Garden Walk for hosting intimate online conversations with more than 30 people about issues that matter to them. We convene a Garden Walk to discuss topics around a session theme.
We log in to an instant online environment powered by ZOOM where you can move freely between different ZOOM meetings. The topics of the different ZOOM meetings come from all the people willing to host them. People are free to hop around meetings, host them, or participate as they wish. There is no soapbox in the individual meetings and no preaching as "the law of the two clicks" gives everyone permission to leave a session when they are not interested anymore if they so decide. With the minutes of each ZOOOM meeting conversation recorded in a shared google doc, each group is free to choose their next steps, action items, or what is next for them.
Without the complex logistics of a comparable face-to-face event, the Garden Walks is facilitated by our team with minimal planning and no need for technical training.
Register for the Garden Walk #2 by clicking the button here below
The Virtual Open Space experience is a 2-hour online Garden Walk for hosting intimate online conversations with more than 30 people about issues that matter to them. We convene a Garden Walk to discuss topics around a session theme.
We log in to an instant online environment powered by ZOOM where you can move freely between different ZOOM meetings. The topics of the different ZOOM meetings come from all the people willing to host them. People are free to hop around meetings, host them, or participate as they wish. There is no soapbox in the individual meetings and no preaching as "the law of the two clicks" gives everyone permission to leave a session when they are not interested anymore if they so decide. With the minutes of each ZOOOM meeting conversation recorded in a shared google doc, each group is free to choose their next steps, action items, or what is next for them.
Without the complex logistics of a comparable face-to-face event, the Garden Walks is facilitated by our team with minimal planning and no need for technical training.
Register for our Closing - Garden Walk #3 by clicking the button here below
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